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Value of the Team

Well, here it is Friday morning and I’m not in the office! Since this is one of those rare days when I am still home ( mini-working) I have the time to realize what it took for me to take this day. I certainly could not have done it without the help of other agents in the office. Most people don’t realize that besides writing contracts and listing  properties, most agents are scheduled to be in the office during certain time frames. Our office having 7 full time agents ( we only have full time sales agents) schedules our time a month in advance. This is great except when the “phone call” comes. Now this” phone call” can be many different things. Client that is coming down last minute, closing that is re-scheduled,appointments cancelled or even something on a personal note such as doctors appointment. Or it can be something like the call I had last week, you know the call, Mom, could you? Well, let me say I am happy to get those calls since my children are adults and anytime I can be with them I do my best. But in today’s life my best is really “we.” Thus the “Value of the Team.”  It takes team work to be able to rearrange my schedule. Another agent is covering my office time and if a client needs to see a property there are 5 other agents there to help. I can do more than one thing at a time but can only be in one place at a time.  In our HomeStead office we work together.  The Broker could not  give me this benefit. It comes with working with a group of good people. Well, I’m off to Belmar today to be with my daughter, the Principal. Thanks. Team!

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